How to Tell Wild Animals Class 10 English Poem Summary
How to Tell Wild Animals Class 10 English Poem Summary is given below. By reading through the poem detailed summary, CBSE Class 10 students will be able to understand the chapter easily. Once the students finished reading the summary they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 10 English Poem summary notes – How to Tell Wild Animals for their revision during the exam.
CBSE Class 10 English Poem How to Tell Wild Animals Summary
How to Tell Wild Animals summary in both english and hindi is available here. This article starts with a discussion about the author and then explains the chapter in short and detailed fashion. Ultimately, the article ends with some difficult words and their meanings.
How to Tell Wild Animals – About the Author
Carolyn Wells was an American poet. She was born in Rahway, New Jersey, in the United States of America on 18 June 1862, to Anna Wells and William Wells. She was married to Hadwin Houghton. After finishing her school, she worked as a librarian for the Rahway Library Association. Her first book was published in 1896.
Short Summary of How to Tell Wild Animals
The poet, Carolyn Wells, treats even ferocious animals and beasts with a coat of gentle but weird humour. If you see a huge terrible beast coming to you in the eastern forests and if you are dying when he roars, then know it is an Asian Lion. The humour is created by various beasts of prey differently. The Bengal tiger is noble but ‘eats you’ the moment he notices you. The leopard with peppered spots will only ‘lep and lep again’. The seemingly friendly hug leads to fatal results. The crocodile’s weeping and hyena’s merry but weird smile deceive their victims.
Summary of How to Tell Wild Animals in English
The poet says if by chance you happen to go to any forest in the east, you are likely to encounter a huge and terrible animal moving towards you. You will notice that a large beast roars loudly at you and you feel that you are going to die due to fear, then you will come to know that it is the Asian Lion.
The poet says that it is very likely that while roaming in the forest, you are greeted by a wild beast. His majestic body is covered with black stripes on a yellow hide. The poet cautions if you notice this beast and if he eats you, then this simple rule will teach you that it is a ‘Bengal Tiger’.
The poet helps the readers to identify a Leopard. He says if you happen to walk in the forest, you might encounter a beast with spots on his skin. When this wild beast will jump at you, you will understand that it is a Leopard as he will keep jumping on you and will tear you apart. Moreover, it will be of no use then to shout or cry with pain because he will continue pouncing on you. So you should be careful.
The poet says that while you are walking in your yard, you may encounter a creature there. When this creature hugs you very very tightly, then believe that it is a Bear. The poet further says that in case of any doubt, you will find that the Bear will embrace you once again till death.
The poet helps to differentiate the Crocodile from the Hyena. He says that a Hyena always laughs as it swallows its victim. A laughing Hyena’s voice resembles human’s laughing sound. A crocodile on the other hand, is said to shed tears while eating its prey.
The poet describes a chameleon in the last stanza. He says a chameleon is a small garden lizard. It doesn’t have ears or wings. The poet, further, says if you are unable to see a thing on the tree, then chances are that a chameleon is sitting there.
Conclusion of How to Tell Wild Animals
This poem is beautifully introducing the wild animals in a different way analogous to the hidden human beings.
Summary of How to Tell Wild Animals in Hindi
कवि बहुत ही दिलचस्प और रहस्यमय तरीके से विभिन्न जंगली जानवरों का वर्णन कर रहा है। ये जानवर बहुत खतरनाक हैं, लेकिन कवयित्री एक-एक करके बड़े ही मजाकिया अंदाज में उन्हें पेश कर रही हैं। सबसे पहले, वह हमें एशियाई शेर के बारे में बताती है। वह कहती है कि यदि आप पूर्व के जंगलों में जा रहे हैं और वहां हमें एक ऐसा जानवर दिखाई दे रहा है जिसकी त्वचा टेढ़ी है और वह दहाड़ सकता है जिससे हम डर से मर सकते हैं।
इसका मतलब है कि हमने एक एशियाई शेर को देखा। इसके बाद, उसने बंगाल के बाघ को एक शाही जानवर के रूप में समझाया जो एक बार हमला करता है और एक आदमी को मार डालता है। वह मजाकिया अंदाज में कहती है कि अगर यह खूबसूरत काली धारीदार जानवर हमें मारती है और खाती है, तो हम निश्चित रूप से एक बंगाल बाघ से मिल चुके हैं।
इसके बाद, वह कहती है कि अगर हम काले-धब्बों वाली त्वचा के साथ एक जानवर से मिले और यह उस पर कूदता है, तो यह एक तेंदुआ है। साथ ही, वह कहती है कि अगर कोई दर्द में रोएगा, तो इसका कोई फायदा नहीं हो सकता क्योंकि तेंदुआ उस पर हमला करना बंद नहीं करेगा। फिर वह उस भालू का परिचय देती है जो कहता है कि वह बहुत कसकर गले लगाएगा। क्योंकि इस तरह भालू किसी व्यक्ति को बहुत कसकर गले लगाकर मार सकता है।
इसके अलावा, वह पाठकों से एक सवाल पूछती है कि क्या हम अपने शिकार का शिकार करने वाले जानवरों को पहचानने का तरीका जानते हैं। तब वह हाइना के बारे में बताती है कि वह हमेशा मुस्कुराता रहता है और मगरमच्छ जिसकी आंखों में आंसू होते हैं। यह काफी दिखाई देता है जब वे अपने शिकार को मार रहे होते हैं। अंत में, जानवरों की सूची में, वह गिरगिट का परिचय देता है। वह कहती है कि यह एक छिपकली के प्रकार का प्राणी है, जिसमें छिपकली की तरह कान और पंख नहीं होते हैं। केवल यह जानकारी हमें छिपकली और गिरगिट के बीच अंतर करने में मदद कर सकती है। वह आगे कहती है कि गिरगिट का रंग उसके आसपास और सतह के रंग के अनुसार उसका रंग बदलने का गुण होता है।
इसलिए, यह समझाने के लिए वह कहती है कि यदि हम पेड़ को देखते हैं और यदि हम केवल पेड़ को देख रहे हैं, तो निश्चित रूप से इसका मतलब है कि उस पर एक गिरगिट बैठा है। और यह पहले ही पेड़ की शाखा की तरह अपना रंग भूरा कर चुका है।
Difficult Words and their Meanings
Roaming round- wandering,Noble—(here)grand,impressive,Wild—not domestic,Beast – wild animal,Greets – welcomes, Stripes- lines, Node— to see validly, Discern—recognise,Strolling— walking leisurely, Forth— ahead, View— see, Hide— skin, Spots— marks,Peppered—scattered Lept— jumped, Leopard— a big cat of the tiger family, Twill do no good— will not be of any use, Pain—suffering, Lep and lep again – jump at you again,Your Yard- in your ground, Creature— (here) animal, Twill Hugs— embraces tightly,
Very hard—holds tightly, Be sure—you must be sure,Doubts—suspects, guess—I make a guess One more caress— one more hug,Though – although, Distinguish- to find the difference, Beasts of prey—animals which hunt other animals,novice—an inexperienced person, Nonplus- confuse, Crocodile- a large reptile with hard skin and big jaws, TeII–(here) distinguish Hyena— a wild animal like a dog, Thus— in this way, Merry – happy, If they weep- if the animals weep,Ever— at any time, By chance— all of a sudden, In the east- – in the eastern regions,Advance—(here) coming towards, Large—huge, Tawny— brownish, Beast— animal.